Wherever our energy goes… it grows. What we resist persists. What we think about and pray about, we bring about. Instead of raising “more” awareness of Breast Cancer… which really means, (in terms of energy), that we’re raising more ”Cancer”… we need to shift our creation potential. Imagine all the women, men and children who now see the sweet and heart felt pink ribbon and imagine-in the vibrational thought of “Cancer”. This collective power is just that… POWER. The beauty is that we get to shift what we’re sending our POWER to.
Let’s raise awareness on BREAST HEALTH instead. Let’s individually and collectively create a different energy vibration. Let’s see pink and think… Love, Health, Nurturance… let’s be reminded of the Rose Quartz crystal energy of Self Love and Healing. Lets change the POWER of what we’re generating and no longer lend our energy to cancer.
Thank you Ayla Mellani
Posted at 9:39 PM